Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Percentages Of Tortuous Colon

This year, Canadians plan to spend Christmas in spending as much (and even a tad more) money than last year: $ 891 instead of $ 884 in 2008. Quebecers are less extravagant, and those living in the Maritimes and Alberta are the most generous:

Christmas expenses by region - $ 891 national average
1. Alberta $ 1,087
2. Maritime (NFL, NB, NS, PEI) $ 1038
3. BC $ 939
4. Manitoba-Saskatchewan
$ 903 5. Ontario $ 848
6. Quebec

Expenditures $ 814 in gifts per region - $ 607 national average
1. Maritime (NFL, NB, NS, PEI) $ 798
2. Alberta
$ 752 3. Ontario $ 601
4. Manitoba-Saskatchewan
$ 576 5. Quebec
$ 551 6. BC $ 547

You may say, income Albertans being the best in the country, it is normal that the expenses are higher. As such, I find the figures interesting people Maritimes, which are among the lowest income countries, and the highest rate of unemployment (PEI and NFL).

And we? Well, we exploded the budget expenditures for the quarter, between purchases for baby and the car for the lady, then Christmas will be more reasonable than last year:) But hey, we still we have fun:)


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