Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Brown, Thick Discharge

Festive Season Christmas expenses

I do not know about you, but holiday season for us in France, has always done in the following manner:
1. a "Christmas dinner" organized by the company's canteen, about two weeks before Christmas. This is correct at the really nice, but it is a canteen atmosphere - uh, sorry: canteen.
2. 24 to the evening, a midnight supper at home, just us, or with close family.
3. 25, at noon, a second meal rich in calories, at home or among close relatives, usually in committee a little bigger (not reaching large tables) the night before.
4. 29 to the evening, I've grown accustomed since 2000 to organize an evening with friends, at home, with 5 to 10 people. Having always had a space limit, I could not organize large evening of New Year's Day, so this date was mid-way (corresponding also has my birthday, another excuse;)) allowed to organize A festive meal. With Celine, we have perpetuated the tradition ever since, with forcing an exception in 2007 (for 3 weeks in Canada, we knew a few people!) And 2008 (without family in Canada, the evening of 29 has been moved to 24).
5. and finally, the eve of New Year's Day, 31 at night. In France, he always comes to festive evening with many people. After 3

Noels here (well, soon 3!), We see a good difference: the Xmas Parties, there are entire month of December: everyone (or almost) is organizing an Xmas Party home, and so, all your weekends are taken during the 3 weeks before Christmas! And some evenings of the week, too ... If the 24th in the evening is largely dedicated to the family (or you end up in general in the parents' house), there really is no rule for other nights: friends, colleagues, family, etc.. Also, companies each hold an evening, usually enough class' in a good restaurant, or by bringing in a caterer. In 2007, freshly arrived from France, we had a Xmas Party in 2008, we had had 3, and this year we have 6 but are deadlocked on some, because of constraints of a pregnant woman;)

Another thing I like is the total absence of polemic (in our corner of Canada, at least, that's not the same in the east!) on Christmas ornaments. Christmas is Christmas, with Santas, Christmas trees and tutti quanti, we do not discuss the possibility to offend the religious sensibilities with symbols, according to officials in The Hague (judicial capital of Europe ) " too closely linked [s] to Christianity," and instead emphasized the need " the international character and diversity .


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