Editor for Game Gameplay RPG fan then, and more recently Retro Game Pix No Love, Manga, large enthusiast and connoisseur of Sega and more particularly the saturn, offers us the story of a journey to freelance, now writer / investigator .
Can you introduce yourself Manga?
First, hello to all. So, I'm 29 years (the thirty six months), I live in Britain, specifically in the Morbihan near Vannes, and after a relatively traditional curriculum (secretarial studies and a BTS Assistant Branch) , I decided to turn to the middle of the video game press, becoming a freelancer. For the rest, I'm engaged and I like things simple. I'm not one to take my head, quite the contrary.
What is your perfect game? For what reasons?
In fact, it's Shenmue, or rather not finalized Shenmue saga. Today, for me, no game does the richness of the universe proposed by Yu Suzuki. I fell in love with this extraordinary adventure and I hope with all my heart, that will someday end of the story. At the time, the storyline, graphics, adventure with a capital fucking a real slap me. Ten years later, I'm still not delivered. And the story that I keep is that I got Shenmue first name during the Christmas of 2000 (I think it was the period of its output in the European territory) and this is the first time I saw my mother marveled at a "bunch of pixels. I also listen regularly Shenmue Orchestra Version. Shenmue is my whole life player or almost!
Shenmue AMV
(synth, these pictures Manga =)
What are your memories of the time RetroGame & gamefan ...? Do you have an anecdote that may illustrate the mood ... the ambition or the mood that prevailed there ...?
In fact, unlike the vast majority of freelancers, editors and highly skilled profession, I am one of the few to have pushed the deputy to dip into the field of video game while remaining at a distance, my Morbihan chart. You could almost entitle the article "Itinerary of a freelance" because I always more bossé or less in shadow, and quite frankly I do not mind not being attracted to the side "glitz and glitter" of the medium. At the time, when I started to dip GameFan for the number 5, I had yet to learn (and am still learning today). Generally, the atmosphere was good but many times, I had to repeat the items, correct items ... I will not say how many sleepless nights as I typed. I wanted to do the best, not knowing a moment that it could lead me to do my job. So in my memories, I enjoyed those moments especially since GameFan Retrogames & mags were pretty extensive, so either I learned quickly, or I disengaged. It earned me countless concessions. But I'm lucky today because my fiancee loves what I do, appreciate this environment and I try to involve a maximum (including by obtaining accreditation for the salons, so that m ' accompanies). She is very accommodating and it helps me tremendously, as it is almost vital.
What is (are) for articles published in these mags, you the happiest?
In hindsight, it's just super hard to say because my level has necessarily changed since that time. But the ones I remember most is Asterix and the file Megaman / Rockman in Retrogames 3. Moreover, for the latter was backed by one of my colleagues. It was fun!
You have also taken over as editor in chief (from 6, the coverage of Final Fantasy III and number 16 until the magazine (*).), RPG Gameplay (after Jay ), bringing with them the concept of neo-retro gaming, you can return to this rescue attempt. ... and on that notion.
Oh yeah, then there is a history of more comical. In fact, in early 2007, I had to get into a training vendor specializing in technological equipment. A month or two ago, I had to make some papers, including one big file "Warhammer" for RPG ONLINE, one of the mags (with RPG gameplay) Qi Design. Obviously, the latter work has really hit and I was contacted to join RPG gameplay. With this in mind that the first week I handled my training front and rods for this mag, and it was very pleasant indeed. I just broke down ... but it was not imagine what to expect. A week after I started, now they tells me that is more than a few to finish a magazine in two weeks! 116 pages to lay in two weeks, a horror! Manage training and the pegs, it was a real obstacle course. 9h/17h training to write roughly 20h/2h of the morning, getting up at 7:30. In short, I was completely decal. By the strength of the things I took over the mag, in preparing the content, recontacting publishers in me Sort this out to make copies fairly clean. I liked also take the time to choose the coverage, and I needed more to the point with each writer. In hindsight, it was great folk, great improvement, but damn it was cool to do. It happened to me many times to zap the training to concentrate on the mag. I really did with the equipment on board, including receipt of all this games, it was whip like crazy at times. In short, it's two years that I can not forget just because it was calibrated with a sawtooth rest. And honestly, I understand that many we have "attacked", but I was not alone in writing and pass behind Jay and Oblivion (and their respective teams) while retaining the quality of yesteryear, it was not properly . So, it was something "different." And something you should know, the first month, there were two magazines come out monthly: Gameplay RPG and RPG Online. Knowing that I had my training to manage sales side, it was just great no matter what. When it was completed in July (with the professional title in hand, I have not done it for nothing fortunately), I looked like a zombie, but the passion has largely taken over, tired or not.
The neo-retro gaming, what is it?
An end to the jerk who is mixing in a word today's video games to those the (many) years. I imagined this term (which is probably not you, I am not the inventor) when I realized that ultimately, young people today are interested in older games and that we, born in 70/80, it is often strenuous retrogaming while closely following the news of gaming time. I found the word nice, so I kept it under the www.terredejeux.net blog I manage with a buddy.
How do you explain the ending of these magazines?
Honestly, if I remember correctly, our sales figures were not catastrophic, but the boss decided to quit and devote himself to publishing. How to blame him? The charges are far less numerous and printing of books represent a sum less logically beside a magazine full-color photos of charge. Moreover, the quality of paper magazines has seriously declined over time, but financially, I had nothing to do with it. We could have continued but fate has decided otherwise. It took a bounce as they say.
Today editor (regular) editions in Pix n love you have worked (I believe) all Mooks out ... what can you tell us about the adventure Pix No Love (From Genesis to today.)?
To work in this environment by being a freelance, the ultimate solution is to have maximum contact. Pix'n Love was designed by my colleagues GameFan / Retrogames is through this that I could make my debut in the mook. To tell you the truth, I was aware of my project mates well before the announcement but my first record (on Nights Into Dreams) dated number 5 because I was running again and RPG Online RPG gameplay at the time. And little by little I I took my bearings and could expand the folders and reviews in the various numbers. It's really exciting to contact the developers of the games of yesteryear to ask them a thousand questions about the creation of game scenes. Sometimes there are stories ultra crispy. And I am also quite happy to vary the theme files that I realize that this is the arcade, Sega, Sony and others. For future, I focus on my favorite manufacturer: SEGA, the record Burning Rangers number 14 is only a beginning.
How've come this vocation? What was it (game, event, encounter) made you pushed to become editor?
Bah, I'm not going to do in the original. It is in reading joypad, my favorite magazine of the era that the editors (most of which have created Gameblog.fr) made me want to go that route. Surprisingly, I've never turned to journalism school because I knew it was not with this type of degree you could enter a drawing video game (and I certainly did not want to be formatted, I more likely to do a bit the opposite of everyone, including the life of every day). Like many, I rather occurred during my teenage ridicule from those around on my propensity to spend many hours in front of the screen. I developed a memory for video games, which allowed me to glean a lot of knowledge. The rest, frankly, that's all a coincidence and luck. To return to GameFan example, I had a website Tierra Games (which was the name of the shop where I had done my training period in BTS) and I proposed a banner exchange between my site and mag's site. And through this, I could contact the editor, to propose a paper and he gave me the green light. Then I realized Astro Boy on paper but found it too shallow, he asked me to make a few small articles about retro games. This is how it all began with a page and a half GameFan 5.
Are we saw that the art of professional writer? (How many texts (employer?) Do we need (to have) to ensure its survival?
Ha ha, then it's just impossible to answer, it depends on the price of the rod in question. For my First, I work in two boxes and I just take the post of Section rédac'chef video games Site www.total-manga.com. Honestly, it's not easy every month but the month that you earn more, well, you put aside for the month you earn less, and so on. I'm doing it anyway, but we must not forget one essential element ... if I go, it's also because I live in Britain, and life is three times cheaper than in the capital (a rent at 670 € for a shed 90 m2 jalopy five minutes from the city of Vannes). With my salary (so that changes constantly from one month to another), and even that of my lady, you could not get by in Paris. Anyway, I have more activities the better because the days can seem long. But again and I insist. If you want to work in this environment, make sure you have a girlfriend who is very accommodating.
You also have a website "Land of Game's blog generation neo-retro gaming." In a few words that contains your blog and what are the things to come over? What changes you would like to give?
Nostalgic for the days when I Earth Games site, I decided to revive it as a blog with my friend of long standing, Asta. We do not take the head with this blog is really a relaxing space where you can find everything from testing (for my job, I work with publishers so I try to give maximum visibility to their products by using the blog), reviews of tours (videos mounted as reports), reviews of live (we play the game while commenting), videos "music (with my synth, I get samples and I rearrange the songs by integrating them with videos), I also want users to know about my future publications, publications available etc ... are lots of things actually. OF Moreover, it is a point that was not mentioned, but being a freelancer, I had to buy all consoles but also capture HD stuff, and it is never given these little creatures there. Thus, I use a maximum, both for the blog for my usual taf. In any case, www.terredejeux.net works pretty well with some days a counter that can reach 400 to 500 visits. The Facebook group "Land of Games" is not filled, but you can always reach us.
What are the tests / interviews, or the Memories (trivia) that you keep Pix'n Love of adventure so far?
In terms of interviews, it is very simple: all! All those moments that I spend in the lounge of the Japan Expo, I want to live them fully. So I spent for great times with my colleagues. I got to know people invited through Pix'n Love: Daniel Ichbiah, Ko Takeuchi Kazuyuki Kurashima & or Hikarin. Each time, it's a wonderful experience, because my life is rather quiet compared to Breton's Parisian life. But at a distance, I also have contacted the developers really great, I think including Stéphane Baudet (V-Rally, Asterix, the Smurfs ...) which is one of those with whom I have a fairly regular contact and strives to be available, despite his super charged. It's really very significant. I also think Jason Rubin, co-founder of Naughty Dog, who took his time to explain everything in his career. Same for Steve Woit, Programmer Kid Chameleon. All these meetings and contacts are exciting times. Ditto for the attachment (s) releases, it's always nice to see them again.
(*) Following the takeover by Qi MYR Design magazine, the numbering starts from zero. From 75 to 1.
Thank Manga and soon!
(Pix n love number 15 is to be published late October).
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